Monday, October 3, 2022

Poor-Will resting on a granite boulder, Carson-Iceberg Wilderness


While backpacking in the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness, Rick went from his campsite to a stream to filter some water for the night and along the way saw this bird hanging out on a granite boulder. At first he saw the reddish eye-shine but didn't know what it was. When he brought his flashlight up in addition to the headlight, he saw that it was a bird of some kind. As he approached it, the bird didn't move. So Rick walked past it to get to the stream and filtered water. When he walked back toward his campsite, the bird hadn't moved, so he told it he'd come back with a camera. When he returned, it still hadn't moved so he was able to get this class image of a poor-will. Poor-will, related to the whip-poor-will, hunts at dawn and dusk catching flying insects. The whisker-like feathers on either side of its mouth allow it to tell when it's made contact with the insect so it can turn its head and snatch the prey item out of the air.

Remember, it's not just a picture, it's a story!

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