Robinson Twins Present...Videos

The Robinson Twins Present
a series of videos on Natural Recreation and Adventures.

These can be purchased through our publish-on-demand service called CreateSpace or through We hope to release more videos in the near future, especially in high definition.

American River Recreation

The American River Parkway, which runs through Sacramento, California, is a park system along the river from Nimbus Dam downstream to where the river flows into the Sacramento River. It has a bike trail that is about 31 miles long. There are also paddling and rafting trips down the river.

Order from our CreateSpace store at this link: American River Recreation

Point Reyes Recreation

Point Reyes National Seashore is the unit of the National Park system north from San Francisco along the coast . This is the National Park unit where we did our first overnight backpacking trip, so it made sense to make it the topic for our first National Park video. It's a birding hot spot and wilderness area with backpacking, day hiking, biking, and paddling.

Order from our CreateSpace store at this link: Point Reyes Recreation

Teton Crest Trail Adventure

Grand Teton is the highest point of a dramatic mountain range in northwestern Wyoming. Much of the range is in Grand Teton National Park, but not all of it. The Tetons are about 40 miles long and rise over a mile from the valley to the east, known as Jackson Hole. The Twins backpacked from the north end of the range to the south, reaching a high point along the trail at Table Mountain.

Order from our CreateSpace store at this link: Teton Crest Trail

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