Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Male Anna's Hummingbird bobs up and down while feeding


We often get hummingbirds visiting our feeder in the backyard. I had my phone out and ready to record today, so I tried following this hummingbird and saw the bobbing action when I played it back. Anna's hummingbird males have a throat that shines red when the light hits it just right. They have become year-round residents of California's Central Valley thanks to all the people putting out hummingbird feeders or planting plants that flower during the colder months. Enjoy!

Remember, it's not just a picture, it's a story.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Oregon Cave flowstone feature, frozen waterfall or cascading mineral formation

A tall column of cascading flowstone in Oregon Cave National Monument. The interior of a solution cave forms as water containing carbonic acid drips through the ground and dissolves the limestone or marble. Then continued dripping water leaves behind the calcium carbonate mineral as the water evaporates. The mineral builds up over several centuries to create features like this flowstone that looks like a frozen waterfall.

The original wall of a cave is referred to as speleogen, while the mineral deposits added later are called speleothems. So, this flowstone is an example of speleothem formation.

Remember, it's not just a picture, it's a story!